Analytics: cloud platforms in Russia in 2021 » IXcellerate
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A joint study by EY and Yandex.Cloud teams of the Russian cloud platform market revealed that 32% of the respondents already use clouds, 37% are considering using and 31% said they do not plan to implement cloud platforms at all.

Usually, the motivation for companies to use Cloud platforms is the increased load on online services, the amount of data that must be stored, and the need to address regulatory requirements for data processing. Along with the introduction of cloud technology comes the transformation of internal operational processes: IT spending becomes more transparent, non-core departments start handling data with more responsibility etc.

Companies that use the cloud or are considering doing so, say that optimizing their IT architecture and making it more reliable is one of their most important goals. More experienced users prefer a hybrid cloud or a combination of the cloud and their own IT infrastructure. Only 18% of the respondents are ready to transfer all functionality to the cloud.

You can read the entire report in Russian here.

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