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IXcellerate 2021: CSR and Charity

We’ve been focusing a lot on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its many aspects over the last years. Helping those in need and doing what we can to protect the environment is a part of our corporate culture and DNA.…

Holiday edition of IXpress Newsletter

Dear friends and colleagues! Here’s our Holiday edition of IXpress Newsletter! In it we take a look back at the passing year and highlight some of the current trends on the commercial data center market. Also: - Why connectivity becomes…

IXPress Newsletter, October edition

In IXpress#5 you will meet our Chief Marketing Officer – Dina Nurkaeva, who was the only Russian among top 50 most influential marketers in the data economy. Also in the newsletter: How Covid-19 is impacting the digital sphere and datacenter…

IXcellerate helped children with special needs go to school

Dear friends! Doing good, giving and helping those in need has always been one of the key principles of IXcellerate. As you may know, for several years now we’ve been supporting talented Russian children from low-income families through the “Sozidanie”…

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