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Compare the, “Russia – The Land Of Opportunity for Cloud”

20.03.2015, Compare the There has been much speculation surrounding Russia recently, particularly in regards to regulations on data. However, the changing country-based rules surrounding Russian data sovereignty make very interesting reading, especially if you are a cloud service provider.…

Gartner: Prepare for the Russian Personal Data Law

Russia is set to implement a new personal data law (242-FZ Law) effective 1 September. The new law provides, among others, that  the personal data of Russian citizens be stored in Russia. Research firm Gartner said the new law will…

IXcellerate and Roskomnadzor held a meeting to discuss Personal Data Storage

Antonina Priezzheva, Deputy Head of Roskomnadzor, has discussed the new law mandating the storage of personal data in Russia with the CEO of IXcellerate, Guy Willner Representatives of Roskomnadzor, the Russian telecom supervision body, and Moscow's leading independent data centre, IXcellerate,…

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