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IXcellerate Rocking Russia Summer VIP Party | June 2013 | Moscow, RU IXcellerate Home House | May 2013 | London, UK


IXcellerate has high ethical standards with the IFC (World Bank) as an investor so as to ensure that our customers mitigate risk relating to non-complying supplier practices.


Colocation or Private Cages with flexible power and customized security access solutions are offered based on specific Customer requirements.

TIER 3+ Standards

99.999% Service Level Agreement (SLA); Concurrent Maintenance: each and every capacity or distribution component necessary to support the IT processing environment can be maintained on a planned basis without impact to the IT environment.

Carrier Neutrality

In the same way as multiple airlines interconnect in a major airport and offer access to any destination, IXcellerate acts as a hub for many carriers and service providers, providing choice, resilience, cost benefit and low latency connectivity.

Mike Segal


Mike has extensive experience working in the global datacentre market, specifically with international companies requiring colocation in emerging markets. He brings energy and passion for providing bespoke solutions to every client that IXcellerate works with…

J. Clifford Gauntlett


Cliff was introduced to the Russian telecom market in the late 1980s when he lead Autodesk’s efforts in Russia. Having shared the same passion and a similar Rock ‘n’ Roll spirit with Guy, Cliff helped to create IXcellerate in Moscow. He was a great leader who combined a demanding detail-focused style with a warm and sweet heart…

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