Phase 3 Chronicles, episode #1. Time Capsule. » IXcellerate
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Chronicles of Phase 3 began in the middle of 2017, when the time capsule with the message to the descendants was laid in the foundation or the future data hall. It was a momentous occasion for us, marking the beginning of the biggest chapter in the life of IXcellerate so far: the creation of the single largest data hall in Russia.

Everybody who was present that bright sunny day felt that our beloved project was stepping into a whole new territory, a new level of development. Looking back, truly – it is heartwarming to see what we have achieved.

To the sound of applause and solemn speeches (and, occasionally, tears), the capsule was finally laid into the concrete foundation, after which everyone approached the hole to fill it with a spade of mortar.

Here’s an extract from our message to the future generations:

Dear Future Friend, whoever you are, take our words, beliefs, and the Commandments that guided us on our IXcellerate journey, we hope they help you as much as they helped us:

  • Thou shalt always be honest, humane, and never hide behind formalities!
  • Thou shalt despise corruption in all its forms!
  • Thou shalt remain open-minded and always listen to thy customer!
  • Thou shalt show respect for fellow colleagues
  • Smile, those who shalt frown, will forever wash the dishes in the kitchen
  • Thou shalt giveth mighty rockin’ parties once in a while. For a merry soiree maketh a friendship
  • Like our founders before us, thou shalt never stop Rockin’


So it has been written, so it shall be.

Looking at the state of the Phase 3 now, it is hard to imagine that merely half a year ago, it was but a bare, worn down hangar space, with nothing but the sound of wind travelling through its empty spaces. Nothing indicated that it will soon be housing a huge, cutting-edge data hall.

However, it did not happen overnight…


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