Construction Progresses on Schedule with Floor Tile Installation » IXcellerate
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The construction of Phase One of IXcellerate’s Moscow One Data Centre continues to progress on schedule. The raised flooring has begun to be installed and is nearly complete in the data hall, where racks for colocation and private suites will be placed.

Construction crews continue to work on installing all of the raised flooring of the technical room, where UPS equipment and switchgear is to be placed.  Equipment is expected to begin to arrive on site, just as floor tile installation is complete.

Construction is also beginning on the entrance reception and security area, as well as the loading ramp into the data hall.  In the below picture, the far grey door will be renovated as the main entrance into reception. The large door with stairs will be the main entrance into the data centre.  There will be a security booth and biometric mantrap to proceed past reception, and proximity card reader security to enter the data hall.

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