Phase 3 Chronicles: Journey to the biggest Data Hall in Russia » IXcellerate
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Every great endeavor starts as an idea – with passion and determination, the idea grows into something more. Every data center begins with a handful of dedicated people and a few dozen of racks. Five years later – IXcellerate, has global investment, a 50-strong team, and is quickly heading towards the opening of the single largest data hall in Russia, our Phase 3.

We are excited to announce that as of 2018 we will start publishing regular posts leading up to the grand opening of the new data hall. With these Phase 3 chronicles we will go behind-the-scenes, looking at how this enormous project is coming together, the different construction stages and the people behind it. Join us on the final stages of this exciting project and watch Phase 3 come together as we move through the year. 

Yours, IXcellerate team

Episode #1 will be about the time capsule and the whole project kick-off
Episode #2 talks about the power of Russian Steel and Internet
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