When it comes to online or cloud-based gaming, the loudest & clearest demand comes from the players themselves, who want as little latency during their gaming sessions as possible. Not only unstable connection can hamper the experience, it also poorly affects the reputation of the service provider.
Having extensive track record of working with gaming companies (NVIDIA, Tencent, Wargaming, G-Core), we understand what such clients expect and we create a perfect environment for their particular needs.
- Colocation of up to 25 kW racks with customizable power and cooling solutions to handle even the highest user load
- Highly secured and fault-tolerant, all IXcellerate data center facilities are carrier-neutral and provide easy access to more than 50 Tier I and Tier II carriers, as well as to 35+ clouds and IX platforms
- Not a second of downtime since launch: 100% uptime means that your player base will be consistently happy
- Direct access to traffic exchange platforms Eurasia Peering IX and MSK-IX