IXcellerate Attended PTC'12 & IDC-G Finance Roundtable Breakfast » IXcellerate
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PTC’12 (15-18 January, Hawaii)

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The Pacific Telecommunications Council’s 34th annual conference was held January 15th to January 18th in Honolulu, Hawaii. IXcellerate was represented at the conference. See more details.

IDC-G Finance Roundtable Breakfast (26 January, London)

IXcellerate, together with a number of other IDC-G’s datacenter owner-operator, attended IDC-G’s inaugural VIP-invitation-only Finance Roundtable Breakfast where the strategic and financial leadership in Data centers were discussed while breakfast was served. See more details.


1. IDC-G Regional Operations Dinner (hosted by Alan Hawkins, Dataplex, Hungary), 22 February, Prague;

2. Broadgroup 2nd Data Centres Central & Eastern Europe, 22-23 February, Prague;

3. IDC-G Open Bar Networking, 29 February, London;

4. ITW’12, 14-16 May, Chicago (see here);

5. IDC-G EMEA Sales Event, 30 May, London.

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