IXcellerate is responding to coronavirus outbreak » IXcellerate
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Dear clients, tenants, partners, contractors and other visitors of the IXcellerate data centers!

IXcellerate is responding to coronavirus outbreakIXcellerate carefully watches the development of the 2019-nCoV global outbreak, which recently has been declared as pandemic by The World Health Organization.

Since February 2020, IXcellerate management team has introduced heightened security and preventive measures to minimize the coronavirus spread. These included limited and restricted campus access, 24/7 on-site presence of medical workers, regular checks for any respiratory symptoms on campus, free supply of medical masks and antiseptic gels.

We confirm that up to now, no cases of 2019-nCoV coronavirus infection have been detected among IXcellerate employees or data center visitors. All scheduled maintenance and technical works are carried out without changes or delays. The level of service for all customers stands in accordance with the terms listed in the contract documentation. In case of a confirmed coronavirus infection onsite and upon official request from the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being in the City of Moscow, IXcellerate management will immediately share the contact list of the coronavirus patient along with performed job functions. IXcellerate designated team will ensure disinfection of the rooms, where the sick person was present. There will be no facility shut down or disruption of the data center services due to such incident.

According to the decree of the Mayor of Moscow, IXcellerate switches to high alert operational mode for the period of no less than until April 17, 2020. The following processes’ updates and guidance are introduced:

1. IXcellerate campus, including all buildings and the territories adjacent to them, can now be accessed by visitors in case of a prior admission request, submitted 24 hours in advance, with visitor’s passport data and travel information to countries with an unfavorable epidemiological situation over the past 14 days;
2. At the campus entrance, all visitors and employees are required to undergo daily temperature check. If the temperature is normal, visitors and employees will receive an individual bracelet;
3. Wearing an individual bracelet following the daily temperature check will grant access and permission to conduct outdoor works, works in technical rooms and in rooms with no air circulation system;
4. Upon detection of the first respiratory symptoms and fever, all visitors and employees will be advised to immediately leave the campus and seek medical help at home without visiting medical institutions;
5. IXcellerate cleaning personnel provides multiple daily disinfectant treatment of all IXcellerate premises. Antibacterial lamps disposable tableware and sanitizers are placed in common areas.

6. To access data halls, all visitors, who successfully passed the temperature checks, should get special instructions, sign in the register and receive an individual coupon with their name;
7. To work in the data halls, visitors must wear masks or respirators and, preferably, disposable gloves, which must be purchased in advance, before arriving at IXcellerate and put on before entering the data center building.

8. IXcellerate employees are required to pass additional non-contact temperature check during the working day;
9. Employees, working inside IXcellerate offices, are strongly encouraged to wear masks during the work hours and keep distance in crowded areas;
10. IXcellerate employees will be assigned and located in different buildings across the campus, depending on the need to visit and perform works inside the data center and machine rooms;
11. Access to the data halls will be limited only to those employees, who are directly responsible for the functionality of data center systems and client equipment;
12. All meetings with customers, suppliers, contractors and partners should be carried out via online services and unified communications;
13. All marketing events, presentations, trainings and data center tours for IXcellerate customers and guests will be cancelled for the time being.

You may find the full version of documents from the Mayor of Moscow, including the list of countries with an unfavorable epidemiological situation, here:

The IXcellerate Business Continuity Plan is compliant with local legislation of Russian Federation and includes regulation and guidance on how to organize works during emergencies and pandemics. Aiming to minimize risks and ensure the uninterruptable, 24/7 functioning of the data centers, IXcellerate management has created a dedicated team, who will be in charge for:

  • continuous monitoring and implementation of high-alert measures in accordance with the decree of the Moscow Mayor;
  • conducting special trainings and additional briefings for staff members;
  • organization of work processes and the allocation of resources per shifts and intervals, guaranteeing uninterrupted services and fulfillment of client requests for the period of possible quarantine;
  • assistance in setting “working from home” terms for employees and organization of remote access to corporate resources;
  • creation of personnel redundant pool and deputies’ appointment for key to the data center functioning jobs.

Like a month ago, IXcellerate employees and visitors are required to comply with the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor and the World Health Organization:

Thank you in advance for your understanding and consent to the measures taken.

We count on your responsible attitude to your health and the health of those around you. If you feel unwell, we ask you to stay at home and consult a doctor for help.

If you have additional questions, please send them to csm@ixcellerate.ru

Stay safe!

IXcellerate team

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