IXcellerate resumes data center tours for students after COVID-19
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We are happy to announce that we have resumed student tours and collaboration with universities! Since the COVID-19 outbreak in spring of 2020 we had to postpone the tours, and now we are back on track.

Students, graduates, alumni, and even professors enjoy coming to us to learn more about data center operations. In April, we welcomed the student union of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Student Government of Plekhanov University) and KinderMBA contest winners.

The tour usually starts with a short briefing about the company. Then, after a mandatory safety instructuctions our guides lead the students through (almost) all of our security levels straight into the heart of any data center − the data hall.

We are always excited to see youngsters at our premises and give them guided tours of the facilities.

Wanna be in the next group? Contact our CMO Dina Nurkaeva for details. info@ixcellerate.ru

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