IXcellerate Supports Digital 'Hackaton' in Surgut, Russia
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IXcellerate became an industrial partner of the hackaton “DIGITAL CHALLENGE”. It took place in Surgut, Russia last week and was organized by the Surgut State University.

The event brought together nine teams of students to show off their IT skills over the course of several contests. The hackathon was held as a part of the project ArtLab, lead by the Laboratory of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Surgut State University.

Vitaly Ababiy, head of connectivity at IXcellerate, joined the contest by challenging one of the teams to find the most efficient solution for a real-world case. Vitaly’s guys scored bronze in the overall team total, and got invited to visit IXcellerate data centers.

Digital Challenge SurGU 039 scaled
Digital Challenge SurGU 039 scaled
Digital Challenge SurGU 197 1 scaled
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