Mike Segal, Sales Director for IXcellerate, will be speaking at Capacity Russia & CIS. Mike will be featured on a panel discussion, entitled “CAPITALISE ON THE INCREASED DEMAND FOR DATA CENTRE SERVICES IN THE RUSSIAN MARKET.”
The topics of the discussion include:
• Review the current structure of the Russian data centre market: new projects, regional expansions
and future development strategies
• Understand the potential for business growth in the Russian data centre market
– evaluate drivers for the expansion of the data centre market
– measure the level of demand beyond Moscow and the need for data centres in T1 and T2 markets
– identify enterprise and finance sector opportunities for value-added services
• Different strategies to incorporate data centres in your business model: build, buy or partner?
– operational best practices for data centre development
– evaluate potential data centre hubs in the Russian market
– assess international trends in data centre development to predict future growth patterns in Russia
• Analyse the current carrier neutral data centre landscape in Russia
– assess the reasons for carrier neutral demand growth
• The future of carrier neutral co-location and predictions on how this will change the structure of the
Russian market
• Predicting next stage developments; data centres for cloud and content services
Capacity Russia & CIS is held in Moscow on October 8th and 9th. If you’d like to meet IXcellerate, Contact Us today.