IXcellerate welcomes young entrepreneurs of the “My startup” competition » IXcellerate
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Representatives of IXcellerate Moscow One Datacentre participated in the Innovation Week, an annual initiative run by the Economics Faculty of the Moscow State University. Dina Nurkaeva, IXcellerate Chief Marketing Officer, was invited to join the jury committee of the “My startup” competitions, which was part of the Kinder MBA conference attended by more than 600 students presenting 200+ business projects.

The “My startup” panel targeted high-school students, whose task was to come up with the business idea, develop a prototype, design a finance model and build a business plan. The winners were awarded the certificate to meet the co-founder and CEO of IXcellerate, Guy Willner, an international investor with many-years’ entrepreneurship experience across global markets.

Following the decision of the jury, the winners were:

  • Team MAVI with their project “Find store”, a mobile app to help navigating shopping malls;
  • Team “Just entrepreneurs”, who presented their “Task platform, an online notice board for students to place various tasks and errands. With this service, students could take on socially important (and sometimes financially compensated) tasks both within and outside of school premises (with parents’ permission, of course). Successful completion of the task will net higher ratings.

IXcellerate sincerely thanks Knarik Arabyan and Karina Fomina, the founders and shareholders of Kinder MBA, for providing an opportunity to participate at the conference and the contest. Kinder MBA is a business-oriented educational program for children from 6 to 18 years old, focused on the development of leadership skills, creativity and entrepreneurship.

This is not the first time IXcellerate participated in such a program to support young talents. The company actively works with universities and schools, charity funds and NGOs both within Russian and internationally.

IXcellerate welcomes young entrepreneurs of the “My startup” competition         

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