IXmaintenance: fire safety is a must! » IXcellerate
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The IXcellerate team is happy to announce that the planned maintenance of the HI-FOG fire suppression system has been fully delivered in July 2016.

Marioff-certified experts performed the complete audit and spare parts replacement, including oil changes within the pump units.

The automatic HI-FOG water mist fire suppression systems outperforms other similar equipment and is currently the preferred choice in firefighting. The HI-FOG tubing installed in the data halls (above and below the floor) is air-filled to prevent water leakage. The installation’s air compressors keep the tubing at operating pressure. Once triggered, HI-FOG localizes and suppresses fire by dispersing water mist locally above the fire within 16 sq.m area. At the same time, oxygen is displaced, and heat is removed from the area affected by the fire more efficiently than in other arrangements. This method has substantial benefits compared to gaseous fire suppression: accidents are addressed locally, where the sprinkler’s heat-sensitive glass bulb bursts above the fire, whereas gaseous systems’ operation affects the entire room. With HI-FOG, datacenter staff can enter and remain in the affected room in order to take further fire localization and suppression measures without risk. No system recharge is needed due to the localised suppression approach.

HI-FOG meets international fire safety standards. The technology has been validated by fire tests performed by the Fire Safety Research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (PozhTest). HI-FOG is fully compliant with NFPA’s room protection requirements, which is mandatory for most international customers. The fire suppression agent is distilled water and is qualified as a liquid dielectric.

IXcellerate technical team confirmed that the HI-FOG operational status complies with the established standard, and that no deviations were found.

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