Power Cable Trenches Installation Begins » IXcellerate
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Phase 1 construction of IXcellerate’s Moscow One Data Centre continues to progress with installation of power cables.  Last week, Mercury Engineering dug trenches from the building which houses our two transformer units.  We will be installing four cables for each of the two power streams, so eight cables total. We are installing SWA cables, with each being 4 x 240 square millimetres.

The SWA cables deliver dual feed power direct to the Schneider switchgear in the data centre technical room.  The power is then fed into the A and B UPS systems, which proceed to feed power into the A and B PDU units and finally to each clients’ IT racks.

Completion of this aspect of Phase One construction is currently expected for October 15th.

Follow @ixcellerate on Twitter to continue to receive updates on the progress of our Phase One construction.

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