PTC’18 21–24 JANUARY 2018 | HONOLULU, HI » IXcellerate
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IXcellerate Moscow One Datacentre team will attend the PTC’s annual conference, the Pacific Rim’s premier telecommunications event. The Conference provides all attendees with a three-day platform to focus on planning, networking, and discovering what the new year will bring.

PTC’18 will be the 40th Anniversary celebration for PTC’s annual conference, opening a new decade of connections. Experience PTC as never before. Be at the center of the ICT industry future.

Register for PTC’18 to join 7,000+ members and industry attendees in Honolulu, Hawaii from 21-24 January 2018 to share and explore the critical transformational shifts of the next four years, and the next forty years.

Join PTC’s 40th Anniversary celebration in Honolulu and meet IXcellerate. Register today.
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