RBCC Business Forum in London » IXcellerate
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What does 2017 and beyond hold for Russo-British business relations?

Join the RBCC, Guy Willner, CEO of IXcellerate and other experts of Russia-facing business communities, British exporters and Russian companies in the UK to discuss challenges and opportunities for trade, investment and business development between our two nations.

This Forum will comprise a series of keynote speeches, conversations and panel discussions, and Q&A sessions so you are able to voice any queries or concerns you have regarding your company’s operations in Russia or in the UK. There will also be ample time for networking and building your contact base in the Russo-British community.

Save the date – Thursday 25 May – and do register your interest now!

Venue – BMA House, Tavistock Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1H 9JP

 Agenda and more details can be seen at RBCC website
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