Rockin'Russia 2016 Summer Party. » IXcellerate
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Last week, despite heavy rains and a thunder on the eve, we hosted our annual open air event for the IXcellerate friends in Moscow –

Rockin’Russia 2016 Summer Party! 

Rock bandOver one hundred guests attended – key customers and partners, sponsors and their invitees, media and industry analysts as well as energizing and talented musicians from the rock bands – JINN and White Collars.

Agenda included series of news announcements and foreword on behalf of the organisers and partners, multiple DC tours, the rock concert and interactive sessions&contensts&lottery.


There were settled six interactive areas, where all the guests could acquaint and network – Creative zone with foto-stand and lottery (sponsored by the cloud provider Softline), Music&sound stage (sponsored by the energy solutions provider SDMO), Virtual reality zone (organized by the global IT solutions provider G-core), Grill battle&Fire zone (controlled by the world leading fire proteciton vendor Marioff), Retro-bar (hosted by the global firm of consulting engineers Arup) and an Ice cream zone (provided by the carrier Mastertel)

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Special thanks go to the master chef Andrey Egorov (IXcellerate sales director), who cooked amazing pilav, the creative teams of the Grill Battle, our sponsoring partners and the most talented employees of the data center  – members of the IXcellerate rock-band!



During the party, IXcellerate joined and announced the charity intitiave of the White Collars band to support Bud Chelovekom foundation, which work for/with donations  to help kids, who need medial treatment.

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We are looking forward to Rockin’Russia 2017! See you there! 

Fotos can be seen here

Video archive is available here 

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