Roundtable in London - Moscow: Ensuring Business Continuity » IXcellerate
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BizContinuity12 Feb 2014 | London, UK

Moscow is increasingly positioning itself as a major international financial centre. But as with any financial centre, unexpected events – from natural disasters to terrorist attacks and everything in between – are always a possibility and have the potential to cause severe disruption.

So what kind of Business Continuity Plans do firms need to put in place if they are trading – or planning to trade – in Moscow?

Join us for an after work roundtable on Wednesday 12 February at 5.30pm to discuss some best practices around Business Continuity Planning in Moscow, in terms of infrastructure, technology, data and operations.

Leading the discussion will be Guy Willner, CEO of IXcellerate, Moscow’s premier vendor-neutral and carrier-neutral data centre; Tom O’Brien, Head of International Sales at Moscow Exchange; Peter Rowe, Head of Electronic Trading Group, Renaissance Capital; and Emmanuel Carjat, Managing Director, TMX Atrium.

Mike O’Hara, CEO HFT Review will be facilitating the discussion

Come along and discover how to plan for the minimum disruption to your business when the unexpected happens.


We look forward to seeing you.


The IXcellerate Team

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