Roundtable "Want to trade in Russia?" » IXcellerate
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It is a year since we first hosted a roundtable on the topic of Trading in Russia, so now is an appropriate time to reflect on what has been a tumultuous and eventful year in the Russian markets.

IXcellerate would like to invite you to join us after work on Thursday 12th June at The Dome Room, 1 Cornhill when Mike O’Hara, Publisher of The Trading Mesh will be facilitating a discussion focusing on what has changed in the last 12 months and what the future may hold. Mike will be joined by Guy Willner, CEO IXcellerate and senior management from Moscow Exchange, Otkritie Securities Limited, Arqa Technologies and Thomson Reuters.

We are anticipating a lively discussion and expect some interesting opinions to be raised.

If you wish to attend or nominate a friend or colleague to join you at the event please contact: detailing Name, Company, Job Title and contact email.

We look forward to seeing you!!


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