Russian digital economy celebrates its first Day of the Data Center Professionals » IXcellerate
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On 1 October 2022,

Russian data center community for the first time celebrated its own industry event – The Day of Data Center Professionals. The initiative to institute a commemorative day for the industry’s professionals was put forward, supported and greenlighted by the Data Center Industry Association at its annual Convention, which took place in Moscow on 7 October 2021.

The date of 1 October has a historical meaning. On that day in 1959, A. N. Kosygin, chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee [GosPlan] signed order No. 597, “On establishing  the USSR GosPlan Computer Center”.

In 1970, the architect Leonid Pavlov designed a building for the GosPlan computer center at Novokirovsky Prospekt (now Prospekt Akademika Sakharova). The custom-designed building of the Computer center was the very first Soviet data center, a forerunner of contemporary DCs.

The national DC industry is innovation-driven and fast-growing. Over the last 15 years, the domestic market has witnessed a giant leap from the first steps in data center building to the emergence of a mature segment of the digital economy. The professional community is several thousand strong, and with the allied sectors and customers factored in, the figure increases severalfold. Nowadays, modern data centres (DCs) are the digital factories that support electronic business processes, which now affect, in one way or another, every person on Earth.

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